So, NärCon was bloody awesome!
I met so many people, new and old and I zombielarped! !!!! :D Was fun as hell, the leader said we were one of her best groups!! :D :D
And I met someone there... His name is Viktor aka Scurty.~
But... It's a bit complicated, atleast from what I see. *sigh*
He lives in Gotherburg, aprox 30 Swedish miles from me. He's 3 years younger than me. He have almost no experience in relationships. Sure, I can teach him, and I try, but I've done it before and starts to, I don't know, tire a bit.
I feel a bit like a pressure from him, it's obvious he's showing his feelings more than I do, which makes me feel... pressured, cause I am not sure how to respond at all times.
I will talk to him about this, but first I will really feel when he's here, to see what I feel about everything. My emotions is a mess...
I think of one my friends are in love with me.
He's pretty obvious about it, always wanting to be near me and such, always hug and tickle me. We always have a good time together.
My friend said it showed a lot, she called him Mr. Obvious :P If he would just come to me and say it... I mean, I would turn him down, but I would be happy in a way.
Thing is, I like him a lot too, but I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. And now that I am taken, I try not to think about it. Instead I think about what to draw next. :D
I've been very creative lately. :D Right now I am working on three pics, yeeey :D :D :D :3
I've alied for distancecoursed as well.
And the other school called, asking if I was still intrested. Of course I am! I hope I get in, then I can move!! :D
Well, I play WoW, yeey x'D
Haha, well, that's it for now I suppose. xD
Take care!